Trainings & Workshops

The Pan African Center for Peace provide capacity Building Training programs. Participants for these trainings come from Community Based organisations, Schools, Churches, Institutions and the private Sector.
Facilitators for these programs are Local and International Volunteers who spare their time to work for Humanity. Courses are Facilitated by both local and International Volunteers who provide few hours on saturdays and weekdays.Our activities include lectures, group discussions, group presentations among others.

We currently provide training in Four main areas:

Peace and Conflict Studies:

Overview of Conflict and Peace,
Introduction to Human Right,
 Bullying, Stereotype,
Violence(s) and its types.....

Basic Counseling and Trauma Healing:
Introduction to Counseling and Psychology
Empathy, Trust building, Emotions,
Verbal and Non verbal communication skills,
Body language.....

Non for Profit Organisation Management:
Basic proposal writing skills, 
Constitutional Writing
Project management concept
Advocacy, Lobby etc

Private School Management:
Introduction to Teaching
Classroom Management
Leadership concept in School management
The School Climate
Lesson Notes preparation and Presenation, Curriculum Design
Four steps of Teaching among others